Although the temperatures in the Arctic are climbing rapidly, this can be stopped by ending pollution from soot and unburnt diesel. This is important if we still want to hold temperature increases to 1.5°C. Arctic temperatures have been rising since 1994, yet have only recently been the focus of academic attention and, as a result,… Continue reading Arctic temperatures are climbing rapidly
Energy Poverty and Climate Change
For the people impacted, energy poverty is much more serious issue than Climate Change. Counter-intuitively, it is also the most important issue for those who want to avoid the most serious impacts of Climate Change. Energy poverty means that each family spends hours each day collecting wood and other burnable substances just to cook food.… Continue reading Energy Poverty and Climate Change
What is Net Zero?
“Net zero” represents the ambition to hold Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to a level that new emissions have no impact on global average temperature. A necessary part of this process is to eliminate soot emissions from coal and eliminate emissions from incompletely burnt diesel fuel. About 1/3 of the increase in global average temperature can… Continue reading What is Net Zero?
Causes and consequences of a warming world
Increasing atmospheric levels of CO2 and other GHG gases will lead to a warming world. Yet CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a vital part of our natural world. More CO2 will mean more growing things, and more rain. A warming world is also likely to result in global changes in weather, with more… Continue reading Causes and consequences of a warming world
Equilibrium climate sensitivity
Equilibrium climate sensitivity starts with the scientific calculation of the impact of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It includes the effect of changes in albedo simply as a multiplication factor of greenhouse gas impacts. Earth’s Energy Balance There is a simple formula to show the elements that make up the earth’s energy balance. It… Continue reading Equilibrium climate sensitivity